Novotex публикует свой первый отчет об устойчивом развитии

Novotex публикует свой первый отчет об устойчивом развитии

Investing, dedicating and committing its resources to reduce the environmental impact of its products and activities, giving sustainability high priority in its corporate policy, has always been part of Novotex’s mission.

The attention to the environment and people together with the commitment — present and future — towards sustainability are reflected in the first Sustainability Report, which Novotex is proud to present together with COIM S.p.A.

The document published here, based on data from 2021, accounts for the activities of both companies, which are part of the C.O.I.M. Group and operate in synergy.

Within the document, the sustainability issue is addressed by considering the three macro ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) areas and reports the actions implemented to monitor and reduce the environmental impact generated by production and processing activities, as well as the activities carried out to foster and capitalise on the development of people and wellbeing in the area in which we operate.
